Challenge Submission Help

This article aims to answer the most frequently asked questions about ThinkOnward Challenge submissions to help guide you.

Before you get started

  • Login to your account
  • Navigate to your profile dropdown and scroll to the bottom to see challenges you've joined
  • Click on the specific challenge and hit submit 

Submission FAQ

Why is my prediction scoring zero?

Double check that your formatting and columns match the submission sample provided on the data tab.

Why haven't I receive my prediction score? 

If you submitted a prediction and haven't received an email with your score, please do the following:

  • Check your Junk mail or Promotions folder for the email.
  • Ensure you are using the same email address to submit that you used to sign up for the challenge.

Note: If you are still unsure why you haven't received a score, please contact us

Why does my model submission need to be a .ipynb file?

For our first few challenges, we require the submission of a Jupityr notebook to submit a score to the leaderboard.  We will use your submitted notebook to both verify your submitted prediction and run your model against a private data set to determine the Private Leaderboard.

Please make sure you follow the instructions in the starter notebook and be careful to call out any additional Python packages (with version numbers) that you use in your model.  If your model is unclear or we are unable to run your model you may be disqualified from the challenge.

As we continue to develop the ThinkOnward platform, we hope to support more languages and tools.  

What if I found a flaw in the data?

The challenges use modeled geological data. Geological data has lots of complexity and variability.  This creates a lot of noise and variability in output. Our data aims to reflect the complexity of the real-world data.